Blog archives for "LinkedIn"





Have things changed in the talents’ identification with LinkedIn?

The database offered by LinkedIn (and other professional networks like Viadeo, Plaxo, etc…) proposes a selection of approx. 200 millions members. The size of this network combined with the head-hunter talent eases the opportunity for young potential quest.

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The influence of LinkedIn on the talents’ identification

Profiles databases have gone public with the raise of LinkedIn (and other professional networks like Plaxo, Viadeo, Xing, etc …). Does it mean recruiting has become a kid’s stuff?

Well to the contrary, the profiles’ profusion on LinkedIn has rather complicated the quest for talents. More than ever the basics of every search have to be applied: what type of profile exactly do I need, where shall I find it, how can I best do my selection, are some of the questions LinkedIn is barely giving.

So LinkedIn is a tremendous database (user-friendly, reliable, open …) but can hardly replace the quest for talents.

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