The recruitment is a rather simple process:
- Understand the assignment specs
- Identify and select a few profiles
- Present a short list
- Make sure the best candidate is chosen
A thorough analysis shows how each step influences the final success of the talents’ recruitment. The quality of your quest will be determined by the weakest step of the whole process.
However, if this process is so simple why do companies use Executive search services?
Let’s review the tricky aspects of each part of the process applied to Supply Chain.
1. Understand the assignment specs:
- Job content

Although a detailed description of the function’s aspects is necessary, what lies behind the title of the function needs some attention. Too often titles don’t cover the same content and/or meaning in each company.
For instance, does a Supply Chain Director have the “Forecasting” under its responsibilities?
Although “Procurement” and “Purchasing” are two rather different concepts, some companies use one for the other!
The question is not to determine who is “right” or “wrong” but to clearly understand the assignment scope.
This situation requires being familiar with the various concepts covering the entire Supply Chain to properly draw the specs assignments.
- Challenges and opportunities offered by the function

In order to attract the best talents, some dimensions of the assignment have to be clearly highlighted.
What are the added values expected from the function? Cost saving, Support to new activities, Customer service improvement, Optimisation after a merge, etc …
What are the function’s aspects capable to trigger the candidate’s motivation (expected next career move, compensation, etc …)?
2. Identify and select profiles
- Where to search?

Once the above aspects have been clarified, establish a target list of sectors, company profiles and key performers to direct. This area is very sensitive as it will largely condition the assignment success. It requires active market knowledge combined with a strong professional network.
- How to recognise and attract the most adequate talents?

This second part is probably the most complicated of the whole process. It requires from the interviewer to make the match between the above defined assignment specs and the candidate’s profile (experience, motivation for the challenge, management style, professional achievements, etc …).
The success of the assignment lies in an excellent command of soft management skills allowing the interviewer to rapidly understand whether he is in presence of the candidate who is going to make the cut.
We have reached here a grey area of human factor, made of personal perception which could barely be explained and hardly thought but that, quite frankly, makes the difference. Unfortunately, the talent evaluation is not hard science!
3. Present a short list

Submit confidential reports of the selected candidates, remains simple and easy.
4. Make sure the best candidate is chosen

Make sure effective reference check is undertaken before starting the negotiation process.
Support the client all the way through the negotiation and make sure the final offer is accepted.
Ensure some follow-up during the first year of appointment.
5. Conclusion
Every step is important and directly influences the final success of the talents’ recruitment. More than ever, the solidity of a chain is determined by its weakest link.
The quality of your talent’s quest will be determined by the weakest step of the whole process.
Therefore, this rather simple process requires expertise and strictness at every step.
As a conclusion: it is not because it is simple that it is necessarily easy!
Écrire commentaire
Steven Bryan (lundi, 17 août 2015 15:24)
Finding the right candidate is a challange but if you are careful and know the right questions to ask then, with experience, it is possible to find the best people for the right job.